March 2011
February 2011
November 2010
October 2010
September 2010
- Is Vince Clarke the new Bach? 'Reconnected Live' review
- Vince Clarke talks 'Reconnected Live' with the Yorkshire Evening Post
- 'Reconnected Live' Washington Post review
- Alison Moyet on BBC6 Music
- 'Reconnected Live' released this week!
- 'Reconnected Live' competition
- 'Reconnected Live' audio player updated with 'Don't Go' and 'Situation'
- More 'Reconnected Live' Photographs
- Yazoo gives Lady GaGa and Katy Perry a run for their money...
- 'Get Set' bonus with 'Reconnected Live' iTunes pre-order
- Vince Clarke & Alison Moyet answer your Yazoo questions
- 'Reconnected Live' 4-Star Review
- More 'Reconnected Live' Photographs
- Alison Moyet answers your questions!
- 'Nobody's Diary' video animation
August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
July 2009
February 2009
January 2009
December 2008
September 2008
August 2008
July 2008
June 2008
May 2008
April 2008
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008
BasildonÕs BachÉ the San Diego Reader reviews 'Reconnected Live'
30 September 2010
The San Diego Reader has given ÔReconnected LiveÕ an enthusiastic review and has heaped praise upon Vince Clarke, noting in particular his 'melodies, counterpoints, and bass lines which simultaneously radiate and mutually reinforce'! Read the full review by following the link belowÉ
Vince Clarke talks 'Reconnected Live' with the Yorkshire Evening Post
29 September 2010
The Yorkshire Evening Post has today published a ÔReconnected LiveÕ interview with Vince Clarke in which he talks about Yazoo and Êthe ÔReconnectedÕ tour, and touches on the new Erasure album and his current collaboration with Martin Gore. You can read the interview by following the link belowÉ
Excellent 'Reconnected Live' review in The Washington Post
28 September 2010
The Washington Post have given 'Reconnected Live' an enthusiastic review in their Express Night Out section today. Follow the link below to read the review.
Alison Moyet on BBC6 Music today
20 September 2010
Alison Moyet will be talking about 'Reconnected Live' on BBC Radio 6's Nemone Show just before 2pm today...
'Reconnected Live' released today
27 September 2010
Yazoo's new album, 'Reconnected Live', is release in the UK and Europe today as a standard 2-CD set, a limited edition 2-CD deluxe edition contained in a 32-page hardback book, and via digital download. In the US the 2-CD deluxe edition will be released under the name Yaz tomorrow (September 28th) and will also be available via digital download as above.
CD1 - Nobody's Diary, Bad Connection, Mr. Blue, Good Times, Tuesday, Ode To Boy, Goodbye '70s, Too Pieces, In My Room, Anyone, Walk Away From Love.
CD2 - State Farm, Sweet Thing, Winter Kills, Midnight, Unmarked, Bring Your Love Down (Didn't I), Don't Go, Only You, Situation.
'Reconnected Live' competition
27 September 2010
To celebrate the release of Yazoo's 'Reconnected Live' this week, we're very pleased to be running a very special competition for you this week that will see three lucky winners each receive a fantastic 'Reconnected Live' prize consisting of a deluxe edition of the 'Reconnected Live' album plus two extremely limited-edition art prints; one featuring the original lighting concept for Yazoo's 'Reconnected' tour (below); the other featuring a setlist from the tour; both of which are autographed by both Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet!
If you would like a chance to enter the competition then all you have to do is send us an email (newsletter [at] yazooinfo.com) containing your name and address before 5pm (UK) on Monday 5th October. The three winners will be picked at random from all the emalils received and we'll contact the winners by email. Good luck!
'Reconnected Live' audio player updated with 'Don't Go' and 'Situation'
20 September 2010
Yazoo's new album, 'Reconnected Live', will be released on September 27th (September 28th in the USA) as a standard 2-CD set, a limited edition 2-CD deluxe edition contained in a 32-page hardback book, and via digital download. If you can't wait until then to relive Yazoo's 2008 'Reconnected' tour then help is at hand courtesy of Mute Records who have set up the audio player below, now complete with six tracks from the album: 'Nobody's Diary', 'State Farm', 'Only You', 'Ode To Boy', 'Don't Go' and 'Situation'... enjoy!
More Yazoo 'Reconnected Live' Photographs
20 September 2010
Another peep inside the 'Reconnected Live' package with a preview of two more of the photographs, featured in the deluxe edition of 'Reconnected Live'.
'Reconnected Live', will be released on September 27th (UK and Europe) and 28th (US) as a standard 2-CD set, a limited edition 2-CD deluxe edition contained in a 32-page hardback book, and via digital download.
Yazoo gives Lady GaGa and Katy Perry a run for their money...
14 September 2010
The Bay Area Reporter's recent roundup of new releases included new material from Lady GaGa and Katy Perry but was much more positive about Yazoo's 'Reconnected Live'...
"Of course, Gaga and Perry could still learn a thing or two from the extraordinary Alison Moyet and her co-conspirator Vince Clarke, of Yaz. Reunited in 2008 for a concert tour after more than 20 years apart, working on their own musical careers (Moyet as a solo performer, Clarke as one half of Erasure), the pair picks up where they left off on the double-disc live set Reconnected Live (Mute). They perform trademark electro-dance tunes such as "Good Times," "State Farm" and "Bring Your Love Down (Didn't I)" before an enthusiastic audience. Less dance-oriented numbers "Nobody's Diary" and "Only You" also make the transition to live performance well. Moyet sounds as genuinely thrilled to be there as her devoted fans."
Read the full review on the Bay Area Reporter website.
'Get Set' bonus with 'Reconnected Live' iTunes pre-order
13 September 2010
YAZOO release RECONNECTED LIVE on 27th September 2010 on double CD, limited edition hardback with 32 page booklet, and via download.
The iTunes release features an exclusive track, the previously unreleased andÊmuch sought after 'Get Set', which was originallyÊrecorded in 1983 and used as the theme toÊthe BBC Children's TV showÊ 'Get Set For Summer'.
RECONNECTED LIVE documents one of popÕs most anticipated tours: in summer 2008 Vince Clarke & Alison Moyet reunited for the first time in over 25 years. The Times said: ÒClarke has unobtrusively retooled the bandÕs music for the digital age, making their vintage 1980s synthesizer ditties sound crisp, fluid and timelessÓ Ó Ð ÒPerforming on a minimalist stage of high-tech steel and neon, Moyet slipped easily into turbo-throated blues-diva modeÓ, while The Guardian noted, ÒYazooÕs first tour in 26 years finds the chemistry behind their smash hits unchanged.Ó
RECONNECTED LIVE, produced by Yazoo, recorded by Martin Hildred and mixed by Vince Clarke features classic tracks from YazooÕs albums ÔUpstairs At EricÕsÕ and ÔYou And Me BothÕ, including Only You, DonÕt Go and Situation plus tracks from ÔYou And Me BothÕ, such as NobodyÕs Diary, performed live for the first time ever.
CD1 - Nobody's Diary, Bad Connection, Mr. Blue, Good Times, Tuesday, Ode To Boy, Goodbye '70s, Too Pieces, In My Room, Anyone, Walk Away From Love. CD2 - State Farm, Sweet Thing, Winter Kills, Midnight, Unmarked, Bring Your Love Down (Didn't I), Don't Go, Only You, Situation
The joyous, unlikely coming together of Vince Clarke, who had just left Depeche Mode, and Alison Moyet lasted for only 2 albums, saw them originally only performing only 24 concerts worldwide, but they left an indelible mark on pop. Yazoo released 'Upstairs At Erics' in July 1982 then parted company just 12 months later on release of the second album 'You And Me Both', which reached Number 1 in the UK. Speaking prior to the Reconnected tour, Vince Clarke said: "It's been really good going back to these songs after such a long while. Many of them have never been played live. ÊI'm looking forward to performing them with Alison for all the fans who've enjoyed our music through the years but never had a chance to see Yazoo in concert". And Alison Moyet said: "Playing this material live is not about revision for me, it is about finishing something we started Ð writing, recording, performing. Three parts of a whole. A salmon cycle. ItÕs like going home."
Yazoo's 'Reconnected Live' will be released on September 27th in the UK and Europe and on September 28th in the US.
Vince Clarke & Alison Moyet answer your Yazoo questions
13 September 2010
Back in July we asked you to send us your questions for Yazoo. From the hundreds of questions we received (thank you!) we chose a selection which were sent over to Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet to answer; five questions to be answered by Vince, five to be answered by Alison, and ten questions that we asked them both. We have already brought you Vince's and Alison's individual answers over the last couple of weeks, and today we're bringing you the ten questions which have been answered for you by both Vince Clarke and Alison MoyetÉ
Is there a possibility, however small, that 'Reconnected Live' might be released on DVD? I could not go to any of the live shows and I think it would be a good souvenir for the many fans you have around the world. (Carmelo)
VC - A couple of the shows were filmed...
AM - We had a very small set up for filming and the resulting footage did not turn out to be interesting enough for a DVD proper. I can't see any of it seeing the light of day.
Is there any chance that the songs 'Get Set' and 'Chinese Detectives' will ever surface on a proper Yazoo release? I love those tunes! (Johan)
AM - I don't know if Vince will do anything with 'Chinese Detective', as an instrumental it would be his call. As for 'Get Set' it is something we wrote specifically for a TV programme of the same name and as such was limited lyrically by it. It never felt like a Yazoo track that we would have put forward for our own albums and I have thought little of it. Maybe it is something they could use as an extra somewhere but I don't see it as fitting in with our main body of work or as representative of our time together.
VC - NoÉ sorry!
Why did you not include 'I Before E' on the live album? (Tom)
AM - I can't remember.
VC - Because it wasn't really performed. We just used a recording.
It was mentioned in the early interviews for your Reconnected tour that Vince was going to bring a guitar along and if something happens it happens. Did anything happen? Will Yazoo ever record new material? (Dan)
VC - In the end, all our energy went into the live performance, so we didn't really get round to doing any writing.
AM - The fact that we live in different continents and Vince was soon to be writing for the next Erasure album meant that the opportunity escaped us and normal lives resumed. It was a nice idea but the moment passed. We have not talked about finding time for it since.
Which is your favorite track from the Yazoo albums? Vince, which is your favorite of Alison's songs and Alison, which is your favorite of Vince's (Sparkle / Grant / Richard)
VC - My favorite 'Alison' song is 'Nobody's Diary'.
AM - From a personal point of view I am very proud of 'Ode To Boy' and 'Winter Kills' as general beasts. I like most of the stuff we did. As for Vince's songs there is much to admire and many reasons for it. Ê'Too Pieces' was a favourite and 'Don't Go' a classic. The songs we wrote together, Situation and State Farm remain top tracks for me too.
Thanks for a great tour. Was there any reason why 'The Other Side Of Love' wasn't played live, or were there different sets at different shows? How did you choose what to leave out of the set? (Colm / Sarah)
VC - We chose the songs that we both enjoyed performing. The set, pretty much, stayed the same.
AM - We left out stuff that translated less well to live work. Personally I always thought 'The Other Side Of Love' was a bit wank. It is my least favourite track. I didn't like singing it and Vince was not bothered by it so we left it out.
Do either of you ever, with hindsight, regret not continuing Yazoo for a third album. Looking back do you think you could have achieved even more on a third release? (Rob)
VC - I think when we split, it was the right thing to do at the right timeÉ no regrets.
AM - I think creatively we had much more to offer one another than our output indicated but by the time we called it a day, communication had broken down. Making music is an intimate pursuit and without the connection we needed to collaborate the road closed. To quote Dr John, 'I been in the right place but it must have been the wrong time'.
Were there any songs written and/or produced for Yazoo, that didn't get released? And if so, have they since appeared on any subsequently released material by either Alison or Vince? (Glenn)
AM - We had a couple but in those days our finances, and hence the tape at our disposal, was limited. Tracks that we did not immediately want to use were wiped over. Shame.
VC - Short answerÉ nope!
Will there be a follow up tour to the 'Reconnected Tour'? You missed a lot of places! (Magnus)
VC - There are no plans at the moment.
AM - I love playing live and I loved touring the Yazoo material. Vincent is less keen on touring and Erasure is his priority and fulfils whatever need he has in that direction. I would if he would but I don't think he feels the calling.
The tour was called "Reconnected", but did you really connect this time around? You've both said you didn't really get to know each other the first time around. (Steven)
VC - I think we connected. We are both older (possibly wiser?) It was a great experience for me to be working with the amazing female vocalist who is Alison Moyet! I feel very privileged.
AM - We did in as much as you can when your time is taken up by the task in hand. We have much in common and are both able now to look back without recrimination and with the ability to give credit where it is due. I hold Vincent in great esteem and with much affection. All else is long forgotten. We laughed a lot.
Yazoo's 'Reconnected Live' will be released on September 27th in the UK and Europe and on September 28th in the US.
'Reconnected Live' 4-Star Review
8 September 2010
From 'Record Collecter' magazine
More Yazoo 'Reconnected Live' Photographs
6 September 2010
It's time for another peep inside the 'Reconnected Live' package with a preview of two more of the photographs, featured in the deluxe edition of the album (see August 2010 for the previous two pictures we've put online and keep an eye on the website for more updates soon).
'Reconnected Live', will be released on September 27th as a standard 2-CD set, a limited edition 2-CD deluxe edition contained in a 32-page hardback book, and via digital download.
Alison Moyet answers your questions!
1 September 2010
Last month we asked you to send us your questions for Yazoo. From the hundreds of questions we received (thank you!) we chose a selection which were sent over to Vince Clarke and Alison Moyet to answer; five questions to be answered by Vince, five to be answered by Alison, and ten questions that we asked them both. Today we're bringing you the five questions which have been answered for you by Alison Moyet (you can see Vince Clarke's answers in on the news page for August!)...
So, what did you have in the glass you so fondly sipped on stage during the reunion tour? ;) (Niels)
It was medicinal cognac you understand. It seems to work well in the devil-may-care capacity.
I have heard that your next album will be electronic. Will you work on that with Vince as he mentioned in one interview in 2008. I believe the quote was that Vince would like to 'have a crack at' some of your songs. (StŽphane / Mia)
I am working on a project that is electronic. I think the notion for me to work with Vince was a good one. We intended while touring to see what we might come up with but the reality of a tour that is brief and unlikely to be repeated meant the focus stayed on the job in hand. Added to which, Vince had acquired some new animation software that occupied his spare time and I made the most of seeing places I had not explored on earlier outings. The fact that we live in different continents and he was soon to be writing for the next Erasure album meant that the opportunity escaped us and normal lives resumed. It was a nice idea but the moment passed. We have not talked about finding time for it since.
As a performer with a personal relationship to the material, was it hard for you to go back to these songs and connect to them again? For instance, I recall that at one point you were disinclined to sing Invisible live ever again and that you wanted to move away from that phase of your career into new territory. How was reconnecting with this material different? (Ben)
Invisible was a song that I never wrote, so personally I was not in touch with its meaning and outgrew the sentiment it suggested. There is something about being in a band where you are performing songs you have written, or those you were informative in shaping, that connects you better with the work. Whereas with solo work I have ample opportunity to explore my material live and either own it or become tired of it, the Yazoo stuff was never worn out. It was still fresh for me and even though a swathe of time had passed, it still offered me a chance to explore the shape of it. It was refreshing working with different sounds and forms to those I had been spending solo time on.
Is there any chance of a duet between you and Andy Bell or you and Erasure? I'm sure those collaborations would be amazing. (Josh / Dave)
Over the years it has been mooted but never came about. Duets are about the song and the song has never naturally shown itself. That both Andy and I have worked with Vincent is not indicative of a shared musical taste. Erasure have a greater pop sensibility than me and I think perhaps the assumption of a natural musical relativity between the two groups is less correct than might be imagined.
If Yazoo had never been, do you think you would have got to where you are now in your own individual career? If not what do you think might have happened to you? (David)
There is no doubting that luck plays a significant part in where we end up. It might be said that neither Andy nor myself would have come to prominence without hooking up with Vince. It could also be said that without finding the right voices and the colours they bring, the songs may not have breathed the light they did. Andy brought a euphoric energy and I a darkness to our respective works that became signature sounds to our bands. I would have been unlikely to have ended up in the mainstream or involved in popular music and as such been lesser known or known at all. There were times that this might have seemed a preferable outcome. Perhaps I may have ended up outside of it all. Much of it has been wasted on me.
Keep an eye on this website for more updates as we countdown to the release of the forthcoming Yazoo live album, 'Reconnected Live' - which is to be released on September 27th in the UK and Europe and on September 28th in the US - or sign up to the mailing list for email updates.
Yazoo 'Nobody's Diary' video animation
1 September 2010
This is an animated version of 'Nobody's Diary' recorded during Yazoo's 2008 reunion tour and included on the forthcoming live album 'Reconnected Live'.
Yazoo's 'Reconnected Live' album will be released as a 2-CD set on September 27th (UK) and September 28th (US) in standard and deluxe editions.