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August 2010
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
July 2009
February 2009
January 2009
December 2008
September 2008
August 2008
July 2008
June 2008
- Mail On Sunday Review
- Evening Post Review
- Alison Moyet Interview
- Vince Clarke Interview
- 'Reconnected EP' Available Now
- Remastered Albums Released
- Alison & Vince Interview
- Live Show Newspaper Reviews
- 'Pearl Concert Theater' Cancelled
- "The Odd Couple"
May 2008
April 2008
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008
Mail On Sunday Review (Nottingham Show)
15 June 2008
Tim de Lisle in the Mail On Sunday reviews the recent Yazoo live performance at the Royal Concert Hall (Nottingham), giving it 4 out of 5 stars.
"...In the programme she says: 'Only once you've performed a song live do you really get the essence of what it is you've written.'
She sings with relish and precision, investing some patchy material with emotional depth. You salute her, and the 21-year-old Clarke for spotting that she was what he needed. They make a classic combination: the soul and the machine."
Evening Post Review (Nottingham Show)
12 June 2008
Mike Atkinson in the Nottingham Evening Post reviews the recent Yazoo live performance at the Royal Concert Hall (Nottingham).
"The duo beefed up their show with a giant neon lighting rig and some cleverly conceived back projections. In musical terms, a similar beefing-up exercise had taken place. Although Vince Clarke's re-worked backing tracks didn't stray too far from the sparse, stark originals, his re-arrangements lent them a renewed power. During Ode To Boy in particular, the simple synth lines bounced from wall to wall, creating a shimmering mesh of sound."
"Yazoo's live reunion might only be brief, but this show proved that their music is timeless."
Alison Moyet Interview (Express & Star)
11 June 2008
The Wolverhampton local newspaper the Express & Star feature an interview with Alison Moyet, "Odd couple of pop Yazoo back together".
"'...I went to school with VinceĦs former bandmates from Depeche Mode Vince went to a different school.'"
"'When we got together in Yazoo it was a working relationship. We didn't have a friendship as such. It was very much a musical partnership.'" So does the reunion mean they will record new tracks together?"
"'Us getting back together is a one off, but if we feel inspired when we are on the road maybe we'll write something. But weĦre certainly not going to bring a single out just for the sake of it.'"
Vince Clarke Interview (Lincs FM)
10 June 2008
John Marshall from the UK local radio station Lincs FM recently interviewed Vince Clarke (who is currently touring with Alison Moyet on the Yazoo Reconnected tour).
You can listen to the interview with Vince (and read the complete transcript) here.
'Reconnected EP' Available Now
09 June 2008
The new Yazoo 'Reconnected EP' release is out now as both a 12" vinyl release and as a digital download.
Available from retailers such as The Erasure Shop, Mute Bank, HMV, iTunes and 7Digital
It features an exclusive remix of 'Situation' from Hercules and Love Affair, 'Ode To Boy' from Das Shadow, and new remixes of classic album tracks 'Goodbye '70's' and 'Winter Kills'.
The digital download features additional remixes of 'Bad Connection' and 'State Farm'.
12" Vinyl
- Situation (Hercules And Love Affair)
- Goodbye 70's (Black Light Odyssey Remix)
- Ode To Boy (Das Shadow Rewerk)
- Winter Kills (Electronic Periodic's Sub/Piano Mix)
Digital Release
- Situation (Hercules and Love Affair Remix)
- Goodbye 70's (Black Light Odyssey Remix)
- Ode To Boy (Das Shadow Rewerk)
- Winter Kills (Electronic Periodic's Sub/ Piano Mix)
- Bad Connection (Subway Collective Broadband Remix)
- State Farm (Madhouse Mix)
Remastered Albums Released
09 June 2008
The standalone remastered editions of both "Upstairs At Eric's" and "You And Me Both" are now available from music retailers such as Mute Bank and The Erasure Store (amongst other retailers).
Alison & Vince Interview (The Independent)
09 June 2008
The Independent On Sunday newspaper features an interview with Alison & Vince, where they discuss how they met.
"Suddenly we were in a really successful band but we hadn't even ever gone for a pint"
(Photo Credit: Nicole Nodland)
Live Show Newspaper Reviews
08 June 2008
Several newspapers have reviewed the recent Yazoo shows:
"This is not a nostalgia tour. It is two musicians with unfinished business, reminding themselves (and the world) of the connection they made.
"It is as much about Clarke and Moyet as it is the music: when, for no reason, they embraced for a moment before a blistering, spellbinding Too Pieces, the crowd cheered, delighted. And throughout the set they shared our glee: Moyet skipping and grinning, Clarke trying, with less and less success, not to let the skull-mask slip into a smile."
"....A jaw-dropping performance of I Before E Except After C, during which the duo disappeared, handing centre-stage position to a four-track reel-to-reel tape machine, was the sound of the future that should have been."
The Herald (Glasgow)
"Performing on a minimalist stage of high-tech steel and neon, the 46-year-old Moyet slipped easily into turbo-throated blues-diva mode, while the 47-year-old Clarke remained comically motionless and poker-faced behind his computer screen. Beth DittoĦs mouthy Essex auntie meets a one-man-band version of Kraftwerk. Mr Chalk meets Mrs Cheese. However unlikely the chemistry, it still works."
"The lively Glasgow crowd, mostly fortysomething couples, came to party. Many stood up in their seats for the entire show, screaming requests or declarations of love at Moyet. In between slower, sadder tunes such as NobodyĦs Diary and Winter Kills, they were rewarded with strident blasts of classic hi-NRG disco that turned this plush auditorium into a throbbing gay club."
The Times (Glasgow)
"Yazoo's first tour for 26 years finds the chemistry behind their smash hits unchanged. Alison Moyet is the big-lunged soul singer who yells "Thank yew! It's so good to be back in this place", and the straight-faced computer boffin Clarke looks as if he is trying to outdo the most boring man at an accountancy convention. The odd mix replicates their sound: cold electronics accompany torrents of emotion from Moyet, who clearly revels in the euphoric Good Times and draws on deep wells of alienation for a haunting In My Room."
The Guardian (Manchester)
'Pearl Concert Theater' Cancelled
07 June 2008
The live show scheduled for 6th July at The Pearl Concert Theater (Las Vegas, NV) has been cancelled.
For refunds please contact the ticket vendor with whom you originally purchased the tickets from.
"The Odd Couple" (Western Daily Press)
06 June 2008
The Bristol local newspaper the Western Daily Press feature an interview with Vince Clarke.
"An explanation for Yazoo's unique sound can perhaps be found in the unusual way that the songs were written and recorded.
"The two albums were written very spontaneously. We did a lot of experimenting in the studio, a lot of the songs were written when we were recording.
"Alison was saying last week that what's interesting is that we never referred to anything, we never played each other music or records, or even discussed music, we just went into the studio and did it. So we had a very intense 18 months together."